Minggu, 09 Oktober 2016

Your favorite selfie and why.???
1. Selfie Is A Necessity
 why it could be a need ????
most people say selfie as a mandatory requirement for them, because to satisfy the desires of fans. Example: The artists selfie for Fans

2. Fill Leisure
most people unite reason, they like selfie is to fill their spare time to capture the moments they face when it

3. Habits
Many people who say, Selfi is a habit? This custom of any person purely because of habit surely emerge at times and at times we do not expect.

4. eliminating stress
Selfie could be one way eliminating stress. Because we can express anything by selfie, but             do not overdo ya sob.
5. follow the trend
 yes, it's easy just you can see photographs of narcissistic in social media.  As in fuel, instagram path etc.


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