Senin, 10 Oktober 2016

Two thing i must bring everywere i go

Because this communication tool is very useful both in communicating with
Friends, parents, or girlfriend. And not only that with this tool we can entertain ourselves from boredom because we could only listen to music / our favorite songs or playing games.
And most importantly, why I chose mobile phones as one of the items should I bring; for in case something happens when we're traveling, because we know hitch tinak what will happen amid our journey.
Within the course of the most important things that should be taken is money, friends can imagine if we go without having to carry cash.
Surely we would be hard-pressed not.?
Yes difficult meaning hard to get what you want, so let us carry enough pocket money.
And I think when we go, we do not need to carry excess money that could pose a crime especially if you are to go where the crowds.

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